Genuine Long Case Clock with Faux Paint

Article no
222 cm
62 cm
23 cm

Genuine long case clock from Sweden made during the first years of the 19th century, around 1810. The clock is unusual and genuine, from the village Arbrå in Hälsingland which is located in mid Sweden. The clock is in untouched original condition and has likely been standing on the same property since it was made. There’s a picture included of the interior of the farm house in question.

The clock is painted pine and was originally blue but was repainted around the mid 1800s. It was likely done after a change in generation to the current faux paint. The first blue paint shines trough in places. The clock face has unusually many details and decorations and has been left untouched since it was made. The clock comes with the original mechanism, weights and pendulum.

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Genuine Long Case Clock with Faux Paint

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Genuine Long Case Clock with Faux Paint