Northern Swedish Mora Clock in Rococo Style

Article no
206 cm
57 cm
15 cm

Northern Swedish Mora clock in rococo style with painted pine case made around 1820 to 1830. The blue paint is original from the early 1800s. The clock has natural wear and an authentic patina after 200 years of use. Decorated with wooden details carved by hand. The clock is unusually thin and originally around the early 1800s it was common to attach the clocks to the wall by a big hook. Hence the keyhole shaped hole at the top of the back. The mechanism along with the weights and pendulum are serviced but we don’t leave any guarantees on the future function. Healthy and solid frame with a minor dry crack along the door – see detail picture, the crack does not affect the function of the door.

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Northern Swedish Mora Clock in Rococo Style

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Northern Swedish Mora Clock in Rococo Style