+46(0) 70-595 00 89

Rare Antique Country Table from Sweden in Folk Art

Art. nr.
78 / 50 cm
97 cm
56 cm

Rare antique country table from Sweden in folk art. The table is made in solid Swedish pine and is from the area Forsa in Hälsingland. The table has the original first layer of paint which has become distressed and rustic with time. Genuine patina. There is a monogram and year, 1847, painted on the table. Straight tapered legs with carved flutes. The table top can be opened and there is storage space inside. The hinges are wrought by hand and riveted to the table. Height from the floor to the apron is 50 cm.

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Rare Antique Country Table from Sweden in Folk Art

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Rare Antique Country Table from Sweden in Folk Art